Empower our people

Sustainable value chain

We set strict ethical and environmental requirements for ourselves as well as our suppliers and subcontractors.

The Group’s goal is to contribute towards improving human rights, labor rights and environmental  protection within the Group, in relation to our suppliers and subcontractors, and in relation to trading partners.

Environmental aspects shall be taken into consideration throughout the production and distribution chain, from production of raw materials to sales, and shall not be limited to the Group’s own activities.

When using external suppliers and subcontractors, it is important that we inform them of our HSE guidelines and that we ensure that our safety routines are followed by external parties involved in our operations.

In situations involving employees with different languages and cultural backgrounds, it may be difficult to create a shared safety culture with good compliance. It is therefore important to ensure good communication to achieve full  understanding of the prevailing safety routines.


Supplier involvement

In the Group, suppliers are an integral part of our operations and we have an obligation to ensure that  our suppliers act according to the Group’s governing  documents. By implementing a structured and  standardized approach to supplier management, we are able to verify that our suppliers adhere to  our requirements and, if necessary, initiate corrective measures. As a buyer, we have an ethical responsibility to ensure that our suppliers act in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Suppliers, including subcontractors, are requested to adhere to the highest industry standards, and it  is a prerequisite that laws and regulations are followed. In the Group, supplier audits are a tool for developing cooperation and continuous improvement between the companies in the Group and our suppliers, and a requirement to assure compliance.

As one of the largest employers along the coast of Norway, the Group has local suppliers that are valuable contributors to our operations. We highly value the diversity in our supply chain and work continuously to develop a local presence near our operations.

As a responsible buyer, the Group has developed a risk-based approach to supplier management to assure that our supply chains are sustainable and robust. We are influenced by internal and external factors ranging from biodiversity to political risks, and we therefore analyze and focus on understanding those factors.

Supplier audits – supply chain risk management

The Group is a corporation involved in global business and working relationships with suppliers and subcontractors worldwide. The Group have more than 5 000 suppliers in Norway alone.

We have worked closely with several of our suppliers for decades, they are all familiar with our requirements.

As a Group we are aware of our responsibility to control that our supplier follow our code of conduct, have goals and work towards lower emissions, strategy and routines for HSE and Food safety.

To cope with the risk of several suppliers, and to take responsibility for working with continuous improvement with all our suppliers, the Group has developed a supply chain management system.

 The system gives us:

  • Overview of all suppliers at a corporate level
  • Evaluation and risk evaluation of all suppliers related to social, economic and environment factors
  • Audit scheme based on risk evaluation
  • All new suppliers have to go through a risk evaluation before they can supply goods/services to the Group.

The pilot phase of the system have now been finalized Lerøy and are  launched in 2021.


Policy:  Procurement

KPI:  Supplier evaluation