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SUSTAINABILITY LIBRARY 2023 Policies Policy: Diversity and inclusion

Policy: Diversity and inclusion

Policy for diversity and inclusion

Owner/approver: Group Director HR

Valid from: 2021-04-29



Lerøy Seafood Group ASA (Lerøy) has a goal to be the leading and most profitable global supplier of sustainable high-quality seafood. In order to achieve this goal, it is crucial to establish priorities and direction, and to clearly define what factors are strategically important for success.

For Lerøy, diversity and inclusion entail ensuring equal treatment of each employee, irrespective of gender, origin, ethnicity, skin colour, language, religion or personal philosophy.

One of Lerøy’s goals is to offer a workplace without discrimination of persons with disabilities. Lerøy aims to facilitate individually customised workplaces and tasks where possible for employees or applicants with disabilities. The Group has always emphasised the importance of individual competencies, performance and responsibility in their recruitment policy and payroll system.

Moreover, the Group shall at all times ensure equal employment opportunities and rights for all employees, both men and women. Lerøy has an international working environment and a number of employees from different nations. Several of our companies have multinational workforces.

In recent years, the Group has seen an increase in the ratio of females in what have traditionally been “male-dominated” professions, such as fish farming and wild catches. The same trend is evident in the different fields of study for the seafood industry. This will improve the gender balance in the industry Lerøy finds that its gender balance is positive for the psychosocial working environment.

Lerøy has recently seen an increase in the ratio of female employees in the companies both in Norway and abroad, and aims to further increase this ratio at all levels of the Group.

Valid for

This policy applies to all employees at Lerøy.


Lerøy participates in various fora to discuss diversity and inclusion.

Roles and responsibilities

  • All those who work at Lerøy are responsible for positively ensuring diversity and inclusion.
  • The top management in each company is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy, and that the organisation has appointed personnel with competencies who are assigned the task of ensuring compliance.

Policy ownership and implementation

  • The CHRO at Lerøy Seafood Group is the owner of this document, and is responsible for updates.  
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors
  • The CEO of Lerøy Seafood Group has overall responsibility for the policy.