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Key Performance Indicators

Strategic framework – where are we going?

In the last few years, we have performed a larger review of the Group’s strategic framework, which is now continuously in development through our yearly plan for strategic activities. For these strategic processes, we conduct internal and external analysis of key trends that impact our operations and opportunities.

These analysis cover areas such as value drivers in our operations, our competitors, the markets we operate in, potential new markets, and potential macro risks that could influence our operations.

Furthermore we have made an assessment to identify conditions where Lerøy has an actual or potential significant impact on financial results, people, or the environment. This includes both an impact directly caused by Lerøy and the impact that we have, or may have, throughout our entire value chain.

Our materiality assessment is further described in the ESG section of the Group’s annual report. These analyses are used to improve our strategic decisionmaking, which enables us to define our strategy, as shown below, to define our shortand long-term goals, and to define our strategic initiatives.

The following table outlines the Group’s strategy on one page. Cascaded and similar exists for each of our business segments.

One Lerøy - Strategy on a page

Lerøy Visions and goals

Prioritised tasks

The Group’s values – open, honest, responsible, and creative – underlie all of our activities. They lay the foundation for our efforts to create the world’s most efficient and sustainable value chain for seafood and our vision to be the leading and most profitable global supplier of high-quality, sustainable seafood.

These are our KPI`s:


Strategic perspective Materiality area KPI Target 2022 Status 31.12.22 Target 2023 Target 2025 Target 2030 Revised 3rd party Comment
Results Results ROCE (%) 18 14,5 18 18 18 Y Target 18% (pre tax) over cycles. Below target in 2022 due to higher capital build and profitability below target
Revenue (NOKbn) 25 26,6 30 35 >50 Y Positive development, with strong demand post covid. Developing according to objectives.
EBIT/Kg for farming and VAP, S&D #2 #4 #2 #1 #1 N Profitability through salmon and trout valuechain compared to peers. Weak performance in 2022 among others due to high contract share in high price environment
EBIT VAPS&D (NOK)   155   1250 To be decided Y Weak year, with supply chain turmoil and high and volatile raw materiale prices. Signicant improvement expected in 2023
EBIT Wild catch   348   500 To be decided Y Lower quotas is a challenge. Key focus on increasing own volume through value chain
Harvest volume farming (1 000GWT)   175 175 205 To be decided Y Challenging growth conditions H2 2022 with growth below expectations
Customers Customers Share of revenue from strategic customers (%) 52 50 52 70 80 N Share of revenue from customers identified as strategic customers
IPSOS score (%) 62 59 62 66 To be decided N External reputation score in Norway
Food safety GFSI certification in factories making ready to eat products (%) 100 92 100 100 100 N Applies to own factories
Residual value of medicines in products (%) 0 0 0 0 0 N Applies for all seafood from LSG
Product recalls (number) 0 11 0 0 0 N Applies for all seafood from LSG
Activities Processes Economic feed convertion rate 1,24 1,37 1,24 1,19 To be decided N Challenging growth conditions in particulary H2 2022.
Several iniatives implemented
MAB - license utilisation (%) NA 86 91 95 To be decided N Measurement of utilisation rate of licences in farming
Growth speed (iTTT) farming NA 95 100 105 To be decided N Internal growth index measuring speed of growth in farming
Documented implemented improvement initatives NA 64 212 337 To be decided N Number of documented implemented improvement iniatives in standardised format
Documented implemented improvement initatives - reducing CO2 emissions NA   20 40 To be decided N Number of documented implemented improvement iniatives in standardised format with the aim to reduce CO2-emissions
Number of revised internal customer-supplier agreements (%) 100 66 100 100 To be decided N Number of customer supplier relationship contracts between units in our own value chain
HSE Sick leave (%) 5,5 6,7 5,4 4,7 4,1 Y Sick leave percentage: Number of days of sick leace* 100/number of possible man-days
LTI-H value(%) 11 13,29 10 0 0 Y Frequency of injuries H1/LTI =Number of injuries with absence x 1 000 000/
total number of working hours
RUH 1,5 1,3 1,9 3 3 Y The sum of near misses and safety observations
and welfare
Number of red spots, sea lice, (number ) 0 1 0 0 0 N Number of violations of Norwegian regulations
Antibiotics used in sea (kg active substance) 0 0 0 0 0 Y Medication prescribed by fish health personnel
Survival in sea, harvested groups (%) 89 85 89 91 To be decided N Survival in harvested groups
Survival in freshwater (%) 92 91,4 93 To be decided To be decided Y (1-12 months rolling mortality)*100 12 months rolling mortality= (total # of mortalities last 12 month - total # of culled fish due to illness or simila)/ (closing # of fish in water + total # of mortalities in last 12 months + total # solgt fish in last 12 months + total # of culled fish)
Average density per cage in the sea (kg/m3) <25 4,1 <25 <25 <25 Y In a cage with fish there is about 97.5 % water and 2,5% fish
Climate emissions Scope 1+2 % 1 000t CO2e from 2019 138,56 141t,40 135,12 133,37 120,4 Y Climategas emissions from fossil fuels/energy
Scope 3 % 1 000t CO2e from 2019 1 288 832 1 022,23 1 160 620 1 106 050 781,4 Y Climategas emissions from fossil fuels/energy from suppliers
Raw materials fishfeed Risk assessment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N Implementation of risk assessment of raw materials
Soy - deforestation free (%) 100 100 100 100 100 Y Soy - share of deforestation-free soy protein conenctrate with tracebility
Novel ingredients blue mussels NA 93 98 Yes Yes N Bluemussel meal
Functionality separation technology 98%
Novel feed ingredients (Number) NA 1,3 2 4 10 N Number of various new feed ingredients
Novel ingreditens share of feed trimmings (%) NA 33 33 39 50 N Amount of marine raw materials in feed from trimmings
Certifications marine raw materials (%) 100 86 100 100 Yes Y Percentage of certified marine raw materials (%)
Certification soyprotein consentrate (%) 100 100 100 100 100 Y Lerøy does not use raw materials from soy other than soy protein concentrate
FFDRo salmon NA 1,66 1,6 1,4 0,95 Y The forage fish dependency ratio oil
Waste Waste (%) 5 37 50 60 65 N Increase degree of recycling (material recovery), Base year 2022
The KPI was adjusted for 2023
Food security Food waste (%) -30 66 -7 -21 -50 N Reduction of floorfish and unsold products, base year 2021. The KPI is changed for 2023
Water and effluents Water withdrawal reduction (%) -5 13,7 -2,5 -5 -10 NN Units in area wiht med/high risk of water stress,(WRI Aquaduct), Base year 2022.)
Water use and scarcity (%) 100 100 100 100 100 Y Carry out risk assessment for 100 % of own facilities
Supplier management New suppliers screened environmental criteria (%) >11,5 15,1 20 50 100 Y Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria (%)
New suppliers screened social criteria (%) >11,5 15,1 20 50 100 N Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using social criteria (%)
Screening of all suppliers Yearly Yes Yearly Yearly Yearly N Evaluation of the Group’s suppliers
Compliance Lerøy Code of conduct 40 0 0 0 0 N Number of registered cases in the Group
Lerøy Supplier code of conduct Number of registered cases in the Group
Anti-money laudering Number of registered cases in the Group
Anti-corruption Confirmed incidents for corruption 0 0 0 0 0 N Confirmed corruption cases and action/measures implemented
and organi-
sational development
Learning and organisational development Global GPTW score (%) 68 70 72 77 80 N Global Great place to work score. Measurement of employer experience. Measured in January for the last 12 months
Share of companies working with Lerøy Way (%) 40 60 67 100 NA N Share of internal business units working with Group's "business system" Lerøy Way
Gender balance in leader-positions ( % Women) NA 29,1 31 35 40 N The Group works purposefully to increase the proportion of women in leading positions
Code of conduct, sign by share of the employees (%) 100 100 100 100 100 N Registered via Motimate.